There are many types of worship in the world, and even in America. You can worship silently, singing and dancing, or simply absorbing the words sung around you. It is easy, however, to fake your worship, or not truly give your heart over to God while you are in that time. One of the easiest types of worship to do this in is where others are singing and dancing around you, caught up in the song, and you are not. It is easy to pretend and get by, but your heart is not in it, and you are not truly worshiping your God. Some types of worship really encourage this, especially really modern worship including dancing and loud bands playing up front with lights and bass. Hymns and more traditional worship tend to turn the focus onto the Lord, and keep you focused on the words and their meaning to your life.
Worship has really changed focus more and more, and I don't think it's in a good way. It seems now to focus on attracting people to it, and getting more follewers to God, when it should be about growing closer to God and learning more about him. Many types of music are catered to the young crowd, which can be successful, it just takes away from the true meaning of the worship. Evangelism and other advertising means should be used to attract crowds, whereas worship should be used to turn the attention to God and prepare our hearts for the sermon and fellowship with others in the body of Christ.
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