Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Change

My life was changed at a very young age. My parents were missionaries overseas, and every day they would speak to the locals about Jesus and God, and what they could do in your life. As a small child, it was hard to understand, until one day I made the concious decision to lie about something. When I was caught lying by my father, I got in pretty big trouble. However, after a punishment, I felt horribly guilty about it and wondered if that guilt would ever go away from my mind. My dad noticed me feeling down and asked what was the matter. I asked him about it, and it was then that what he had been teaching the local nationals all along about God and his son Jesus finally clicked in my head. He explained that my feeling of guilt and my knowing I had done wrong would never really go away. They don't go away until you realize that Jesus, God's only son, was sent down from heaven to earth to die for our sins. He literally took the blame for every sin we ever commited or will commit, so we can look to the end of our life on earth with hope and promise. Though this is a simple sin compared to ones I have been committing later on in my life up until now, this promise Jesus made by dying holds true in my life until I die, and I never need to sit and wallow in my sin again.

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